
37parables started in March 2021 as a shop that distributes Bibles and Christian-themed items primarily.

The name “37parables” originates from the number of Parables Jesus spoke while on Earth. The tagline of 37parables is taken from Psalm 78:2a – “I will open my mouth in a parable”. We believe the Psalms to be Christological (Jesus as first Person), hence this verse is applicable here.

King James Version

You may notice we frequently use the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. This is so because we believe the KJV is a time-tested, literal, and faithful translation of God’s Word. Other translations may be argued to be “closer” to God’s Word (in the original languages), but no other English translations today enjoy the same 400 years of the endurance the KJV has, on top of the fact that many lives were sacrificed for it.


In Churches today, it is rare for people to worship using Psalms. There may be Psalm-inspired modern hymns, but nothing can replace worshipping God using the Songbook that was specially compiled by God Himself. We here at 37parables wishes to promote using the 1650 Psalter. Hence, we are currently looking into publishing a 1650 Psalter with the KJV side-by-side.

May the Lord use our shop for His Name’s sake!